August Smart Lock Pro + Connect Automatically unlock your door when you arrive, and automatically lock the door when you leave. Keys not necessary.
Amazon Echo - Smart Speaker Amazon []is introducing a new product to their mix. An always connected, always ready smart speaker for your home. This simple black cylindrical device is called Amazon Echo. It plugs into your wall and stays connect to the cloud to provide instant feedback for whatever you decide
Smart Security Camera - Butterfleye We all worry about someone breaking into our home. Some of us even lock up like Fort Knox but still worry. Security cameras and other means to provide you a sense of comfore are expensive. And they require a lot of hardware to back it up. There is an easy
A Smart Kitchen Appliance - June Smart Oven It is sad to realize that men are less inclined in the kitchen. Cooking is a lot of work. And lets face it, we all hate the idea of coming home from work without a completed meal. With our lack of experience comes a solution, the June Smart Oven [https:
Awair About once or twice a year, I find myself suffering from allergies. Usually once in the Spring, and again in the Fall. Often I find myself wondering if it is dander from the dog, pollen, or even some other microbial substance unseen by me. That’s where Awair [https://getawair.
Wink Relay Up until this point, the connected home powered by the Internet of Things []has been disjointed effort by multiple manufacturers. While some companies would offer security, others would offer lighting or other ways to make your home “smart”. Using these devices would
Edyn - Smart Garden Sensor If you’re a man with a green thumb, who grows and cultivates his own food, or just likes to have a well-maintained lawn, sometimes it can be a lot of work. That’s where Edyn [] comes in to play. This smart garden sensor will check