Osprey Duffel Bag Associated with some of the best outdoor gear, the Osprey brand is making a plunge toward the urban and travel scene with the Osprey duffel bag.
Herschel Novel Duffel Bag I have found myself constantly on the move more than normal. Trying to work 8 or more (most likely more) hours everyday, work out, cook dinner, and spend time with family and friends was near impossible, something had to give. I’ve found that lugging around a change of clothes
Satchel and Page Leather Bags With inspiration dating back to the 1940’s, when items you purchased would last, Satchel and Page [http://www.satchel-page.com/]has a historical account behind the inception of their quality products. The company prides themselves on creating a product that not only lasts generation to generation but doesn’t
Impressed Bag Co. Preston Suit Bag It is wedding season [http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/store/page/Registry], and we seem to always struggle with the extra baggage we have to carry, especially a suit. Not to mention, us gentlemen have lavish vacations to relax from our business trips. Now there is a suit bag solution that
Shrine Sneaker Duffel It’s always a pain packing shoes up for a trip. Most duffel or overnight bags just don’t have the spare room; so your options are to pack a separate bag just for your kicks or face the risk of ruining/squishing them. The Shrine Sneaker Duffel has two
Minaal Carry-on Touted as the perfect carry-on backpack, the Minaal Carry-on lives up to its reputation. The Minaal Carry-on isn’t your typical travel backpack targeted at post-grads trying to experience the world. With its minimalist and streamlined design the Minaal Carry-on is the perfect bag for the ordinary traveler or the
Cordura Duffel Bag One thing every dude should have after they graduate from college is a formal weekend bag. Once you hit the real world, carrying all of your stuff around in a plastic bag or raggedy old backpack won’t cut it. This is why you need the Cordura Duffel Bag from