Osprey Duffel Bag
Associated with some of the best outdoor gear, the Osprey brand is making a plunge toward the urban and travel scene with the Osprey duffel bag.
While an osprey is an animal that scours the waters for prey, the Osprey outdoor brand draws a stark contrast to its mammal counterpart. The land is no stranger to most, if not all, of the items in their repertoire. Associated with some of the best outdoor gear, the brand is making a plunge toward the urban and travel scene — but whatever ecosystem you escapade, a feather may tatter and a claw may loosen. And like many land-walkers, bumps and bruises are rather common in the rugged terrain. A new pack may leave some anxious and extra wary of the unlikely tear or rip, but the Osprey brand has the "all mighty guarantee". Even if the bag was purchased in 1974 the backpack will be repaired or replaced.
This guarantee, among many other factors, propelled me into purchasing my first bag, and now I have joined the flock (or duet if you want to be technical). I've been fortunate enough to put my day pack to the test. After a year of use, I could confidently say there hasn't been any wounds. Yet still, there are many more years and adventures to come with this pack.
The Osprey Duffel Bag is the company's first dive into uncharted waters. Daily commuters in the urban environment have been longing for a bag that lasts beyond their work schedule. Back and forth, from work to the gym to the outdoors, this brand will effortlessly embrace the environment it is immersed. Adaptability may be a better word for it. The interior of the organizational duffel has a place for everything. End pockets with overlapping rain flaps help guard the shell against water and provide a quick access pocket. Equipment can be placed in easy to access locations, so when immediate action is needed, you know right where to reach. Suggested use ranges from Ski patrols to long outdoor treks, but it is not limited to those who wander the wilderness. One of the best features about this duffel bag is it has straps for your back, so you can decide where to tow it on your back or carry it just like any other duffel bag.
Don't fly with a clipped wing.