iPad Pro

5 years ago Apple introduced the iPad. The iPad blurred the line between MacBook and iPhone, yet didn’t replace either device. Steve Jobs even said that the only way the iPad would succeed was if it were “far better at doing some key things” than either the iPhone or MacBook. As we all know iPad sales rocketed, competing companies created their own “tablets”, and the iPad/tablet is now a device you’ll see in most homes. But tablets still haven’t replaced the family computer.
The iPad Pro is going to change that. Apple’s 12.9 inch iPad Pro feels like an iPhone or iPad with its brushed aluminum body, beveled edges and edge to edge glass. The iPad Pro is as thin as an iPhone at 6.5mm and weighs as much as an iPad at 1.57 pounds. The iPad Pro display has a resolution of 2732 x 2048 at 264 pixels per inch, making it the highest resolution display on any iOS device, and has 4 built in speakers giving you a great device to watch a movie yourself, or with a group of friends. One review even claims the iPad Pro is faster than the brand new MacBooks or the latest MackBook Airs. You can pony up an additional $99 if you want the Pencil which is said to be the most fluid and precise stylus ever. Making the iPad Pro a need for any designer or creative types.