Eddie Bauer Airbender

The Eddie Bauer Airbender sleeping bag was the winner of National Geographic’s Gear of the Year Award!
The Eddie Bauer Airbender is for those that are sick of carrying both a sleeping pad and a sleeping bag. This new sleeeping bag by Eddie Bauer includes a built-in, inflatable sleeping pad. Even with the integrated sleeping pad, the Eddie Bauer Airbender does not sacrifice weight or comfort. The weight is at a reasonable 3 pounds, one ounce. As for comfort the Eddie Bauer Airbender is made of 15D Pertex Nylon Shell and has a Climashield insulation at the bottom of the bag. The Climashield insulation is made to insure optimum performance even in the harshest of weather.
The Eddie Bauer Airbender is perfect for those adventurers that twist, turn, and fall off their sleeping pad at night. This new sleeping bag by Eddie Bauer can weather any outdoor conditions. So if your man wants a cozy, lightweight, minimalist sleeping bag, the Eddie Bauer Airbender is the best option.