A nootropic supplement designed by neuroscientists to help improve cognitive capabilities.

If you've seen Limitless you can understand the appeal of taking a supplement and being granter cognitive superpowers giving you a mental edge above your peers. In the movie, Bradley Cooper consumes a nootropic, which grants him advanced cognitive capabilities, which in turn improve his writing skills and allows him to earn a fast fortune in the stock market. While you will not become a stock market wizard overnight, nootropics are manufactured to improve your memory, focus, creativity and more.
TruBrain is a nootropic designed by neuroscientist PhD Alums by studying brainwaves of high performers to identify substances to achieve similar brain function. According to third-party clinical studies and EEG brainwave analysis, TruBrain boosts high alpha brainwaves and improves verbal fluency and memory. If you think about ingesting a substance to improve your cognitive self, it's natural to wonder if the product is safe. Based on a toxicology index, TruBrain scores lower, meaning it is less toxic than salt, vitamin D, aspirin, or caffeine.
The product is available in three forms: drink, powder, and capsule. The drink is more like a gel, similar to one of those gel packs you might consume when running a marathon. It tastes surprisingly pleasant, garnering flavor from cane sugar, agave, cactus, mangosteen, and monk fruit. Here at the office, we've tried the drink with positive reviews. The TruBrain drink is available in a caffeine-free or caffeinated version. Order once, or subscribe to a recurring monthly order for 10% off. If you're hesitant to commit to a full order, TruBrain is also offering a 10 Drink Trial.