Garmin Varia Rearview Radar

At the intersection between paved roads and a healthy lifestyle meets a Semi-trailer truck and a lone biker. A bike helmet can only prevent blows to your head, not a head on collision with something more than ten times your size. Take the precautions to be safe. Just like in a car, there are blind spots. The biggest cause for concern when you are biking is the inability to see behind you. They have rearview mirrors on bikes, but you are unable to multitask. In the United States, the leading cause of biking fatalities is getting hit from behind. Be smart and safe when you bike.
The Garmin Varia Rearview Radar provides you with eyes in the back of your head. The Varia headunit enables bicyclers to see approaching vehicles from behind, as well as, their speed and threat level. Detect fast-moving objects within 153 yards, so don’t let vehicles sneak up behind you. The Garmin Varia was made to provide safety to cyclist. So enjoy your ride and worry less.
The Garmin Varia Rearview Radar is way smarter than your standard bike light.