Gift Guide: Eco-Friendly

Our Eco-Friendly guide will help you procure a gift for your environmentally conscious comrades.


Allbirds is big on sustainability, avoiding synthetics and using premium natural materials. We've featured their Wool Runners here before, but we might as well give you a quick recap. The shoes are constructed using ZQ-certified wool, castor beans (for the soles), and on top of that the company partner with Soles4Souls. Allbirds are a great gift for a guy or gal. If the Wool Runners aren't quite your speed, check out the Wool Loungers as another option.

Ecobee 4

You may have heard of some of the other smart thermostats on the market, but the Ecobee remains relatively unknown. We've featured this thermostat recently, after we hooked it up in one of our homes to try it out. Since then, we've kept it as our primary thermostat. If you're looking for a great eco-friendly gift, the company is running a Black Friday sale for $50 off.

United By Blue

United By Blue is a brand you should keep an eye on. A relatively new company that started doing business in 2010, they have great style and a great cause. Instead of taking the easy (tax-deductible) route of writing checks to charities, they host company-organized cleanups with the goal of removing one pound of trash from our oceans per item sold. Pictured above is The Ultimate American Jacket, designed to mimic a Bison's coat and keep you warm.

Belkin Conserve

Belkin offers a number of products to help you or your friend conserve electricity, and maybe shave a few bucks off of your electricity bill. The Belkin Conserve products prevent wasted energy by eliminating "Vampire Draw" (aka Standby Power) and can be used to easily switch off power to devices when not in use, either manually or via a timer.

Sustainable Homebrewing

This book takes an organic approach to crafting beer. The comprehensive guide establishes best practices for minimizing waste and getting the most out of your ingredients. Great for an aspiring beer brewer (or drinker). In the book, you will have access to 30 different recipes for crafting a fine beverage.

Cree Light Bulbs

If your gift recipient claims to be eco-conscious but has not converted to LED light bulbs, this gift will make their day. A four pack of Cree dimmable LED bulbs for as 60W replacement that uses only 9.5W. This will help cut down those pesky utility bills and electricity usage. Use Cree's savings calculator for more information on how much you can help your giftee save.